About Us
Your online shopping buddies
Hello, we are TransSensation, your online shop for transgender prosthetics. Cool that you stop by! At this shop, authenticity, comfort and style have a hot date and the result is products that help you feel and express yourself the way you want to.
who we are
We, that's two cis men from the far north of Germany who, besides their jobs, still have enough energy and heart and soul to rock this place.
About the website
To be honest, we've stumbled across many websites for the trans community that, with their clunky designs and intricate navigation, felt more like stepping back in time to the Stone Age of the Internet. That's why we rolled up our sleeves and created TransSensation - an online shop that is as fresh and modern as a breeze from the North Sea!
We are looking for models
Apply now!
Are you photogenic and like being in front of the camera? Perfect! Because we are looking for models who make our products shine. And if you are more familiar with Photoshop & Co. than your own fridge contents, then we look forward to hearing from you as well. Together we can make TransSensation a real experience!
Our philosophy
Be yourself - and let the others do the talking!
We believe that everyone has the right to be how they want - and that should be as natural as the rain in northern Germany! Respecting the privacy of others is just as important to us as morning coffee.
True to the motto "Be the change you wish to see in this world" (Ghandi was just a smart guy), we hope that with TransSensation we can make a small contribution to a more colourful, open world.
Welcome to TransSensation. Everyone is welcome here who wants to enjoy life to the fullest and celebrate themselves - in their own personal way!